On climate change, either we get real on this or we risk diaster. But the agenda is narrower than that as well. Scotland could lead the world in clean green renewable technology, but we need to get it together. Do I think young people can influence things? Yes, clearly. In my experience younger Scots are considerably more switched on and open to new ideas (and doing something about them) than older ones.
Step one, for me, is to fight to see energy policy come back to the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh, as I believe we in Scotland will make better decisions than allowing London to make them for us.
From Alyn Smith, SNP MEP for Scotland
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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I agree with Alyn. Climate change is something that has to be tackled globally and in Scotland we have the perfect opportunity to play our part. The potential we have for wind, wave and solar power is immense. There are also other clean, green options such as biomass. We are so lucky to have been given this potential that I feel it is our duty to ourselves and the rest of the world to harness it. Not only do we provide clean energy for our people but we play our part in tackling climate change too!!
On the subject of global issues, Councillor Mary Smith, Chair of the Education Committee SLC, is very interested in Fair Trade and was a member of the Fair Trade Committee which was successful in Hamilton becoming a fair trade town. Fair Trade is important in helping to eradicate poverty, poor health and child labour in the developing world by ensuring that farmers and producers are paid a proper wage and price for their products. So please buy fair trade bananas, tea, coffee and chocolate the next time you're out shopping!
khurram ross scott and michael of 2m believe that there are too many cars on the raod which is damaging to the environment. Petrol prices are increasing and instead of meeting the demands, vehicle owners should use public transport to reduce the pollution levels. Stop flattening fields and green areas in order to make room for housing estates and motorways as thins decrease the levels of 02 and c02 which we all need for a healthy environment.
Global warming is happening, why aren't we doing anthing? We should change all the cars to electric ones and have them powered by wind farms!
p.s. young people have ingenius ideas!
Emma, Mary, Jenny and Catriona
kieran kyle darryl ainsley chloe and stacy of 2L1 think that global warming is terrible!!!! they think that public transsport should be improved to reduce the polltion levels in the cities. Recycling should also been increased and everyone should have a recycle bin. Also, more windmill farms should be introduced as this would introduce an alternate eco friendly energy supply.
Audrey Patterson and Naomi Cunningham of 6T feel that global warming is affecting the economy everyday! We could help save the world by saving energy, which can be done by switching unused lights and electronics off, boiling enough water for what you need. There should be a decrease in the cuting down of trees and green areas as this decreases the volume of co2 taken in by trees and this lingers in the air which aint good for our health.
most of the problem is america bush did not sign the emitions cut legistaions so they keep pumping out stuff to harm our atmosthiere
Well whats new with this ? Bush and his familly/friends make their millions from Oil. He is not going to sign up to reducing his income is he. His friends also control most of the companies that are 'rebuilding' Iraq (after he destroyed it !) According to Micheal Moore, even the Bin Laden family are involved in his companies as shareholders !
This man really has to go. Thankfully, he is in his last couple of years with no more possible. His record on the death penalty is even more scary !When he was in charge of Texas, he lined 'em up and fried them nearly every month.
Check it out..
Ms Richards
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