More people everyday are becoming obese, and over-weight people should be getting more active and stop taking the car everwhere and buses... but people should be doing things like cycling and walking or jogging so I just think people should be trying to get fitter rather than getting where they are going quicker.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
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i totally agree with whay gary said about the obese and overweight people. i have just finshed doung an essay on this and it is very bad heer in Scotland. i think the goverment or anybody that can help people lose weight. they should be encouraged everywhere so that they can lose weight and obesity is getting out of control and a stop should start getting made to it to help others and the countries
Posted by unknown
I think there is a real issue about many more young people being overweight. There are serious health concerns which arise from being very overweight as well as mental health issue. Key aspects are the increase in the consumption of junk food and the decrease in physical activity. Both of these need to be tackled not just by individual young people but by society and communities as a whole. The issue is tied in with the values we have and our view of the future.
John Cassidy. The Head of Cathkin Learning Community - a great Learning Community with great young people - whose future is importnat to me.
Well What to say about overweight people without being rude... i think its unfair that in this country we have he worse problem with over weight teens while marketing from fast food places aim their food (which is acctualy addictive) at teens so we need to shout a the government to change this!!!
actually the fast food firms are trying to stop aiming their ads at children, heck kfc have stopped putting free toys in their kids meals to try and combat obesity burger king have stopped advertising, now all we need is Mcdonalds support in the fight against obesity
Robert elliott
I think obesity in the UK is a huge problem. junk food is exstensively advertised and marketed stronly thoughout britain and is directly aimed at the youth of the country. its really no wonder why we have so many overweight children when fast food is as widely broadcasted as it is. on top of this, excersize in the form of PE in schools is compulsary only until 4th year until it then becomes a choice. again this makes it easy to see why there are so many overweight children in the country. i believe that too many teens are stayin inside the home falling for the "amazing" deals in mcdonalds and for computer deals at Game rather than using the free gym pass provided by schools to the full effect and get out there and keep fit.
I totally agree with Gary. We should all start thinking about ways we can try to save energy and use up our own resources instead of environmental resources. I'd be intertested in people's comments about ways they think this could happen.
Mrs Sherry
Biology Dpartment
i agree that miore people are obease and that they should eat healthy
Obesity is a major problem in the UK so there should be more gyms.
prices of cars are to low they should go up at least 15 thousand or all cars should be made auto gas or electric dean boyle james wilson david burns and darren mcneill
ciggarets shold go up about 8 pounds at the least. darren mcniell james wilson dean boyle david burns
I completely agree with you Gary.
I would prefer to walk to school but as it i too far, I have to get a bus.
Primary school, I walked everyday and schools had a national walk to school week.
I think high schools in this country should bring this back and it could reduce the amount of obese children and even adults.
Its all to do with people's health and eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day isnt enough.
Its more than having a healthy diet.
i mahn it is not ryt for people t o be going on busses and cars we should be walikng and cykling everywhere and you would probably lose weight alot more
It is up to the person theirself if they want to stop eating like a pig. But the companies selling the food must try to include their selfs as well. Children must be particullarly targeted as we are the future..see ya
Glynn Woods
I think Tam spiers is right on the money there with his last comment...Are you listening, South Lanarkshire Council ? What is going to happen to the Cathkin Rugby pitches ? and when the new school is built, how much of the old land is being re-developed for housing ?
Will it be affordable housing for key-workers, first-time buyers, and available for rent ? or will it all be executive-style detatched houses costing £200 K + that most people cannot afford ?
Maybe we should call in Swampy and his mates to do a sit-in or chain themselves to the Rugby posts to stop this building on valuable green spaces where kids are playing sport at the moment
The lean-green Cathkin Machine.
In my opinion its not really the fast food companies that should be to blame for the obese teenagers in this Country, but themselves!
No one is forcing them to eat that burger or bar of chocolate!
It's totally up to them how they eat, everyone knows that if you eat junk then you will get fat it's as simple as that.
If people are unhappy with the size they are then they should eat healthy, it helps you to lose wieght and it'll make you feel happier in yourself because your not stuffing junk down your gob but healthy, tasty food.
It's alright to have fast food once in a while but do it in moderation so you don't gain weight!
Jordan McLuskey
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