Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hi I'm John Cassidy the Head of Cathkin Learning Community. I am very interested in exploring ways in which neighbourhoods and wider communities, for example Rutherglen and Cambuslang can involve children and young people in ensuring that their communities get better and better and that the well-being of everyone in the community increases. How can communities show that their young people are valued and make a real contribution to the life and times of their communities?. I would very much like to hear from young people on this topic. Thanks.


Cathkin high school said...

young people don't feel valued because even though we have freedom of speech no one actually listens to us. We turn to alternatives to actaually be noticed such as violence. Even if you say your listening to young people unless you put that to use no one will belive you. Young people can naturally be impaitent and action must be taken fast otherwise the future will be a very violent and corrupt place. The young genreration must be considered and actually reached out to soon otherwise global pollution won't be the only problem in the future. Even if we solve the matter of pollution what use is it if teens are harming themselves like smoking which then leads us back to square one of the matter. I hope envirometal workers and hospitals will work together to stop the problem at hand now let alone the problem in the future.

Hoi Ng

Cathkin high school said...

I totally agree with Hoi, many teens are just made feel ignored or un-valued today. That's why this site is so great it gives us the young people a voice and makes people listen to us and our opinions on things like smoking, alcohol and other problems that affect us.


Anonymous said...

even with yhis publisity would they realy listen

Cathkin high school said...

If we comment on something and you say yes,we think you should do it.If you say no, we would like a reason why. Act on what you say please.
Amy lovatt p7 loch Primary

Cathkin high school said...

its shocking that most teenagers get steriotyped, because most of us aren't even like that!!
by gillian k & claire-jane hannah

Cathkin high school said...

I completely agree with Hoi and Christine.
Why are we being ignored like this?
Also, most people assume that those who wear hoodies and walk about streets with their hoods up are thugs.
Who on earth gave them that impresion?
People shouldn't judge us for what we wear.
We dont feel valued by this either.
This is just one of the examples of this situation.
Because we dress like this, no one cares about what we have to say.
People should listen to us and take in what we are trying to tell them.
Everyone says 'Don't believe what children tell you. They talk a load of nonsense.'
We have the right to say what we want to say but the problem is that we are never listened to.
What can we do about this situation?