Thursday, November 16, 2006

As you correctly state, climate change is one of the most important issues facing the world today. It is not just the responsibility of governments throughout the world to help the enviroment (although they obviously have a key role to play). Individuals can make a difference, and I am very pleased that the young people involved in this scheme are showing how seriously they are taking this issue through your work for National Enterprise Week.

Good luck for the rest of the day!

Janis Hughes MSP
Member of the Scottish Parliament for the Glasgow Rutherglen constituency


Anonymous said...
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Cathkin high school said...

we think that you should ban all can body spray and just use roll on.
from anon

Cathkin high school said...

Hiyah I Fink You Should Stop Driving Cars
Love Lauren Stewart x !

Cathkin high school said...

g lobal warming is terrible it is a major problem it should be dealt with a serious manner we all blame george bush because he is not joining in to try and help this matter the same with iraq
by Christopher Bolton John Reid

Cathkin high school said...

climate change is something that effects us all in every day life and our children and our childrens children and our childrens childrens children and so on and so fourth we are not doing enough to prevent climate change so lets get together and solve tis widely known problem fae lee nicol and stuart mo and sophie xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hasn't the earth always had climate change? There were times in the distant past when we had no ice caps at all. What caused that?? And times of ice ages. Did we cause them?? What about variations in the energy output of the sun? The sun has more cycles then just the eleven year cycle. Look it up. How about variations in the precession of the equinox? Variations in the tilt of the axis of the earth? What about variation in the orbital path of the Earth because of orbital cycles? The effects of the passage of the solar system though the galactic arms? One huge volcanic eruption can put out more greenhouse gases then we could put out in a hundred years. How come the polar caps on Mars are shrinking? Are we causing global warming on Mars? Pluto's atmosphere is thickening as it moves FURTHER from the sun. Pluto is getting warmer. Pluto's atmosphere should be getting thinner and colder, not warmer. Could it have something to do with the energy output of the sun?? I don't know and don't claim to know. But maybe we should be asking a lot more questions. There is at least one, and possibly more moons of Saturn and Jupiter also warming up. Sound like our greenhouse gas emissions are affecting maybe the whole solar system!!!! What caused the global warming that started in the 800s or 900s and lasted until the late 1300s? Was it us? What caused the cooler period after that time? Did we do that too? Maybe there are fifteen hundred year cycles. Cycles tens of thousands of years long. Hundredes of thousands of years long. Millions of years long.
If you ask me, I think that there are still too many questions to be asked before we go blaming humans for most of the global warming. I bet we are responsible for less then 2% of the warming, and natural cycles are responsible for more then 98% of the warming. I think we could spend all of our money to try and stop it and Global Warming will still take place. To do that, our governments will have to really become dictatorial in order to control our live much more then they do so now. Is that what we want? To have dictatorships? Meanwhile our countries will be broke, we will be living in poverty, and global warming will still take place anyways. Do you want your children to have nothing and live in poverty?? I don't think so.

I think we could all spend ourselves into the poor house, and at best maybe hold off Global warming for five years to twenty years at best. Much better in my opinion to simple and slowly adapt to Global Warming as it takes place.

Mankind is much more adaptable then many people believe. After all, haven't we survived warm periods before? Didn't our ancestors survive the last Ice Age?
Why have it cost us all trillions of dollars when, at best, we might only slow the inevitable. We could spend the money to help us adapt to the warmer conditions. Or how about helping the poor. Use the money to build more hospitals or pay for medical care for those unfortunates who cannot afford health care. There are too many hungry mouths to feed in this world, kids going hungry and starving to death every day, and in need of medical care and education. Lets spend the money on that instead. Has anybody researched the issue to find out if there would be benefits to global warming?? I bet you would find that there are good things about global warming that might balance out the bad things. How about we take a look?
Let's do our homework, and some proper research before we blame it all on us. A lot of scientists who say it is our fault love to scare people. It gets them more research money. Some of these scientists protect it from taxation by setting up foundations. (The Rockefellers aren't scientists, but they protect their wealth from taxes with foundations too. That's something us ordinary folks can't do.) As they say, "The squeeky wheel gets the grease".

Hell, I am only a retired factory worker, but still able to think for myself and not fall for every trendy proclamation of disaster that comes along.