Saturday, November 10, 2007

The blog's been a little quiet of late. This has been due in no small part to the disgraceful restrictions on free-speech which have led to sites such as being blocked in schools across South Lanarkshire. Not only is this short-sighted and frankly stupid, but flies in the face of everything a 'curriculum for excellence' is supposed to stand for. Our blog has stimulated sometimes heated debate, brought the school into the wider community through our interactions with the world of politics and our highlighting of environmental issues, and introduced web 2.0 to a whole new generation through our work with primary pupils and our sister blog 7ups2cathkin.

At last sense may have prevailed and we will once again have access to our blogs in school and will be able to continue with our efforts both curricular and social. And not a moment too soon. Our school is a pilot school for the Scottish Schools digital network (GLOW). Lets hope the short-sightedness of the powers that be which have for many weeks blocked access to this blog does not manage to apply its cack-handed approach to this important ICT development.

Watch out for a fresh look and more controversial topics which are coming soon to the Cathkin High site.