Thursday, November 16, 2006

Congratulations on launching your site and running your group.

Best wishes for a successful launch,

First Minister Jack McConnell MSP


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats. to the new Cathkin High School Blog group.
What are we to make in the future in Technical? S1 pupils in the past have designed and manufacture ice scrapers..... where is the ice? where is the snow? It's supposed to be Winter!!!
It looks like we will need to make an Ark soon!!
We are now using wood from sustainable resources, water based paints and varnishes, old pupil projects to make new ones etc.
There are lots of energy and resource saving to be made in the school. How about some ideas???

Mr Clowes Technical

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Here at the Canbuslang & Rutherglen Community Health Initiative we put some lunch time thought into your question.

Our Stan is concerned for Santa's well being. Where will he live if there's no snow?

So everyone, (as usual,) had something to say...

Don't leave the TV on standby.

Turn the Lights off.

Listen to your folkes when the 'nag' you about the standing with the fridge door open.

Listen to your kids when they tell you to get energy saving light bulbs.

Put a jumper on before you put the fire on.

Keep up the hard work!

We think you have answered your own question. By encouraging us to think about this important issue you have encouraged us to think about our own behaviour. There'll not be one computer on stand by in the CHI office tonight.

A big thumbs up to all of you, from all of us at the Cambuslang & Rutherglen Community Health Initiative.

Anonymous said...

We need a prime minister who is:
*Not about the money
*Not Fake
*Cares about the people, not just themselves
*Not corrupt
*Doesn't have someone pulling their strings
*Doesn't pull the strings of other people

basically, not a real politician

Anonymous said...

Yeah, right....thats really going to happen. Anyway, its not politicians who run the country, but big multi-national business. These companies limit choice and restrict consummers to buying very few products which are made by slave labour in the third world.They rape the world's natural resources and make people addicted to their products with the result that your health and wealth suffer.

If you still eat McDonalds or shop in Tesco you should be ashamed of yourselves