An Egyptian student, Abdul Kareem Nabil has been sent to prison for commenting on his blogsite. He received a sentence of 4 years.
This is worrying for all users of blogsites such as this one as it threatens the principle of free speech and instant communication made possible by the new media.
The Egyptian government has an appalling record on human rights, regularly jailing political opponents and others for reasons such as their sexuality. Torture and violence are regularly used by the authorities. Abdul was heard to scream following a loud slapping noise from the police van taking him away to prison.
The Egyptian government sends its teachers to Scotland for training. Some of them are in School now. It would be interesting to hear what they think of their government. Do you think that Strathclyde University and Cathkin High school should continue to accept money from such a government ?
Post your comments and register your support for Abdul Nabil, a fellow student and Blogger here, or mail your messages to bloggroup@cathkin.s-lanark.sch.uk and we will post them for you....
Let the Government of Egypt know your feelings.....e-mail your protests to them on..
Check out the Amnesty International website on http://www.news.amnesty.org/
Test Comment
I think it's completly wrong for people like this blogger to be punished from just voicing a diffrent opinion, they in my opinion been un-justly charged and punished for something that they shouldn't be punished for. Allegedly they were tortured also which just goes against all human rights!
I don't think we should continue to accept money from such a regime where these things can happen so it's worring that it can and does still happen.
I think this is a terrible thing to happen. Why are we supporting the government of egypt by allowing them to send teachers here to train ? By taking the money we are upholding the corrupt and dictatrorial regime of Mubarak. It is business without conscience.
Mubarak should be arrested next time he comes to the UK for human rights abuses. We should all be asking the teachers from Egypt what they think about this, in fact we should refuse to have them in our classes !
Islam is a backward looking religion which preaches violence and the suppression of women...the blogger was right to critisise this as well. Send your e-mails in to the Egyption consulate and let them know what you think !!!
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