Thursday, November 09, 2006

Debate Topic: The way we live is causing a massive increase in climate change, leading to increased global warming. Can young people really have an influence on solutions now to what will become their problem tomorrow?

Please tell us what you think.


Anonymous said...


Just came across this and wanted to wish you well for thursday. I think its so important that youngsters take an interest in whats going on in the world. So many just hang around corners and parks causing trouble. Good on you Cathkin High. I will be following the progress of your site with interest.

Anonymous said...

I feel upset, tomorrow it will be our problem if we cut down less trees and print the worksheets on two sides instead!!

Anonymous said...

Something definitly needs to be done about global warming. Young people should try small things like recycling and saving energy. But it is not just young people that need to make changes, global warming is effecting the world now, so everyone who is living now should try to help.

Anonymous said...

hi we are pupils in cathkin high and we think its great that youngsters have a chance to express their opinions.this may lead to reductions in global warming if youngsters are made aware of this.

Anonymous said...

I think young people should become more involved in the safety of our planet. If all children were encouraged to try recycling & saving energy, it would make a huge difference.
Global Warming affects everything- which means we should all do something which could help.

Anonymous said...

i dont think its fair that we should have to deal with climate change and global warming when we are older when older adults could be dealing with it just now.

Anonymous said...

the adults could be doimg more by recycling and stop using so much fossil fuels

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I Think that the climate is such a big problum,if we can get a recycling campain set up then we could fix some of the climete

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


just read what ecoblogger said about youngsters hanging around corners and parks causing trouble. This is just stereotype and not all youngsters do that. We do not hang about parks and cause trouble and people shouldn't think of all us youngsters as the same. If there was something better to do then some youngsters wouldn't be doing this. just because you see a group of teenagers in a park doesn' always mean that they are causing trouble there is just nothing better to do! people shouldn't tar all youngsters with the same brush.

Anonymous said...

we feel that global warming is becoming more and more of a problem something must be done. We should recycle more and realise that the little changes can make a huge difference.

Anonymous said...

read what unknown i think theyre right its not fair that when an adult sees youngsters they think they are causing trouble.

Anonymous said...

I think young people should be involved more in the decision making on the enviroment because it is going to be our problem even though it wasn't our fault. i for one don't want my children and there children looking back and saying it was our fault. something should be done NOW!

Anonymous said...

We are using so much fuel that one day we wont have any left i really think that this is a real issue and it has to be sorted.

I Am in the bb and i do alot of things so if we can do somthing like not going crazy on fuel like a lot of parents do then the world will be fine and we wont be having to worry about this and it will be ok.

I think that cathkin has done well and the group has done this well too.


Anonymous said...

just read your comment unknowen and I agree with you 100%. As a teenager myself I beleive that people should change there opinions on seeing teenagers hanging around street corners. They are not all out to cause trouble! and if there was somehting better to do places to go ect I am sure this would be a great benifit to the community.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think if people would just stop thinking about lining their pockets with wads of cash, then we could think of a better solution and replacemnt (e.g. solar panels, wind farms, HEP stations etc) for Scotland.

I think the young people could heavily influence this descision if we worked together!

FIGHT THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cathkin high school said...
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Cathkin high school said...
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Cathkin high school said...

There should be filters in cars and stuff like that, not as much housing estates and flats etc to stop cutting down innocent plants!!!!

FIGHT THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lauren Barret, Jaclyn Fulton 2M1

Anonymous said...

i wouild not say that young people can help. only the goverment could help. britian is to involved in iraq and war. also the corporations have a major hold on the money and way people run there lifes. its a conspirice aginst the people

Anonymous said...

I think young people should take more responsibility for recycling. The amount of materials that is wasted every day in a school is horrific. We need better bins and get pupils to pick the litter they drop!!

Anonymous said...

what about those big gas guzzling cars and 4x4's that drive up to the school every day? who needs a 4x4 in Cambuslang anyway? Parents need to wake up to the damage these cars do to our environment!

Cathkin high school said...


I think that global warming is a massive issue and us as humans need to do something about it like we should definetely use cars much less often than we are now

we are living today and a good fifty years at least.. most of us dont care about the polar ice caps melting in the future because we might not be here to see it.. but thats just being selfish if we dont do something quick and now we will ruin our childrens life or their childrens life

think about it

John Farrell

Cathkin high school said...

I think Scotland should have Trams, like they do in Blackpool and San Francisco.
We should also have filters in cars and put the prices up on things that damage the enviroment (e.g. cars, fridges etc)

Liam Swan

Cathkin high school said...

I think people should stop building houses in perfectly good fields that waste all the plants.There should be less cars or cars converted to electricity or vegetable oil. Factories pollute the air and the water which damages the atmosphere (ozone layer). There should be less factories.
By calum Armstrong

Cathkin high school said...
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Cathkin high school said...

Climate change is a fact- scientists as usual are more alert to the problems (politicians eventually get the message!) even though some still refuse to believe it's happening. Individuals can make a difference but things will not change on a large scale until the major energy users like the USA agree on reductions in carbon emissions.
Keep up the good work Cathkin Bloggers!

Alistair J.D. Jones (Biology Department CHS)

Cathkin high school said...

yes young people can make a huge contribution to making the planet a cleaner healthier place to live.
one suggestion could be that: flats could have 2 bins 1 for recyling and the other for non-recylable goods.

Miss Scott

Anonymous said...

firstly congratulations to everyone involved in this project.
with regards to recycling the schools in this area are making a start at teaching our younger members of the community that it's time to take better care of our environment.
however, there is a lack of doorstep recycling of newspapers etc because as yet there are no blue bins provided by the council for residents in the holmhills area. if the council was to provide this facility, then myself as a householder would be able to recycle paper,card etc on a daily basis. we all know the amount of rubbish we each generate and to be able recycle just a fraction of it would be beneficial to the environment.